Tuesday 7 June 2011


Ok, so I kind of made a mistake whilst out yesterday in Holland & Barrett purchasing the addictive plain choc coated ginger sweet treats. I happened to notice an interesting product called SNAIL GEL.. How can anyone after seeing that, not consider having a mooch in more detail. It is a product by De Tuinen and is supposedly aimed at helping support skin repair by using extracts of snail slime. The pic below is a tad blurred so check out the link too for more information: (http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/pages/product_detail.asp?pid=869)

Hmmmm... So, I was intrigued and somewhat hooked and thought, why not give it a go. However, don't be fooled, it isn't cheap and only after leaving the shop in shock of having spent over £40 for a few replacement foodie home bits, natural deodorant and snail slime I was perplexed at what had just happened. When rereading my receipt, I had realised I had been fooled and what I thought was marketed at under £5 was in fact £21.39. I'm not too sure whether this was my mistake but I can confirm that I have never spent so much on a beauty product in my life and considering the purposes of trying to live a much more self-sufficient life, it is certainly not something I would have chosen to do knowingly.

So, too embarrassed and in shock to return the product and my partner reiterating what a fool I was. I am now a self inflicted guinea pig for snail slime.... watch this space.

If the verdict is good, I think I'd rather go out collecting snails myself then spend silly money on a product in which I'm guessing most of the cost covers the packaging. Hmmm... I feel somewhat fooled!

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