Tuesday 31 May 2011


Woweee.... check out my blueberries. This is my first crop after a LONG time waiting so not bad. I'm soooo excited to try them. Turn blue Mr Blueberry bush.

Willow Trellis...

So, for sometime I've been wanting to fix some trellises up around the back yard to grow some herbal flowers and to attract more bees and butterflies. This is something that I refuse to go out and buy when we're surrounded by acres of woodland. So, Sunday was a fun day for me collecting willow to weave into trellises. Somewhat challenging when the heifers try to eat the leaves from the willow plants whilst I'm carrying them across the fields. I felt like a walking canteen!! This is still a work in progress so pictures will follow shortly.


Anyone got a light Sussex hen to swap with healthy young bantam blue wyandottes cockerel. Live on farm in NWales. Complaints already in less than 24hrs. Refusing to kill and waste money.

Temp Chicken HQ...

Check out the coop which lovely Jimbob helped assemble. Temporary location via the pond for now until clearing made in designated Chicken HQ behind the barn. The birds have been named; will be challenging to try remember them. We have, the Three Witches of Eastwick aka Alexandra, Sukie and Jane, Barbara and Mr and Mrs Bucket aka Hyacinth and Richard. All seem to have settled in and survived their first night. Our cats are extremely curious with the new editions. Three eggs on the first day already. The home-made dust bath appears to be a success amongst tribe flock!

Bantam Blue Laced Wyandotte Mr & Mrs Bucket

Black Rock (Witches of Eastwick Alexandra)

Chelford Agricultural Auction...

Made a trip up to Chelford Market yesterday morning. It was chaos. First time I've ever been to an agricultural auction. Still no scooby on what Mr Auction Man was actually saying. It was great to see such a wide variety of birds and many many other animals. No children were hurt in the horde of sellers and buyers. We witnessed a few semi-suicidal chicks flying out of cages. Six birds in total brought home with us. Three Black Rock Girls, one Salmon Faverolle and a pair of Bantam Blue Laced Wyandotte. After purchase, we discovered that one of the Blue Laced Wyandottes was actually a cockerel and the Salmon Faverolle was feeling somewhat broody, subsequently, once back home, she was swapped with a Buff Orpington from Lodge HQ. So, even though it rain throughout the whole trip, it ended with sleepy smiles all round.

Sunday 29 May 2011

Wild Flower Meadow....

Ok, so i've come up with another plan. I've decided to add some pretty wild flowers into the area/grass banking at the back of the cottage surrounding the pond. However, one golden rule - the flowers have to be of some herbal or culinary benefit. So, this is an area that I might require some tips on. Back to the aid of Mr Phillips once more (check out his book below) and the superb Mr James Wong (again book is below)...

Before and after pics to follow with species ... eek! 

Saturday 28 May 2011


Just ordered some freebie samples from There Must Be a Better Way online shop(http://www.theremustbeabetterway.co.uk/). I recommend anyone who is unsure whether to go the whole hog and just want to try some natural beauty products first to give it a go. Verdict to follow :-)

Ethical Superstore...

Ok, I've just bought my monthly shop products from the ethical superstore (http://www.ethicalsuperstore.com/). It's certainly worth a mooch as there are loads of deals to grab. Similar with the household products, I've waited on these to all run low before replacing them. I do still intend to make my own cleaning products in the long term but no harm in switching to chemical free in the mean time. Watch this space for verdict report. :-)


So, after taking in the advice from Pat Thomas (and Mrs Badger) regarding facial creams, cleaners and toners, I have now purchased some Sweet Cold Pressed Organic Almond Oil. This has been something I have wanted to do for a while but I'm not one to waste what we already have in the house. All beauty products within the hose have almost run out. Waiting on delivery from Mr Postie. Verdict report to follow. Product cost is £4.95 and it should last up to 2.5yrs. Not bad when you consider how much is spent on unnecessary beauty products. Word of warning. Do have a shop around as I have come across similar products asking for four times the amount. Remember, changing your spending habits has to be cost effective. Happy Reading. :-)

Cats v Swifty Swallow...

Close encounter! 

Somehow a swifty swallow must have got into the cottage whilst my back was turned and started making a racket trying to escape. This didn't help as it only attracted the attention of my two kitties. All was safe until the bird made a wrong turn towards the cats. The cats pounced and George (the youngest) came up triumphant with a fluttering bird in her mouth. Not good. However, after a few mins of shock, I managed to get George to release the bird and shooed both cats outdoors. Now it became a waiting game. So after numerous poos on my kitchen table, the swift swallow managed to escape through the skylight to freedom and away from kitty jaws. Certainly time to put the kettle on!

Friday 27 May 2011

New Girls on the Way...

Happy times, my new girls are hopefully coming on Monday. It's been decided that chickens are the first birds to join the Hodgkinson/Johnson family. Hutch and run to be assembled tomorrow. Thank you to Mr Henry and his friend for the long term lend of it (so it certainly saves me pennies). Temporary home to be by the pond for now until clearing made in selected wooded area by the barn. No definite decision on the breed yet. Pics to follow along with trials and tribulations of Bank Holiday Monday's adventures.

Cow Licking...

Enjoyed a relaxing walk around the farm this evening with Farmer Robert counting heifers. Few encounters with overly friendly girls. Check out the pic. :-)

Thursday 26 May 2011

Soapnuts ... take TWO

So, here they are happy readers. My soapnuts have arrived. This is the website again if anyone is up for giving them ago (http://soapnuts.co.uk/). Not had a chance to use them yet, no need to waste what we have but very excited to get going.

Green Knickers...

Ok, so it might appear a bit odd that I'm blogging about this but when you think about the impact that just the simplest things have, it's amazing at the prospect of options available. So, it's about time I purchased some more 'smalls'!

However, I do want to stick to my plan and make sure that I'm only buying things that are ethically viable and environmentally friendly. I'm certainly open to suggestions here ladies and gents but just to give you all a quick idea at how it's easy to source things, I've come across this blog which is certainly informative (http://www.greenknickers.org/wordpress/?page_id=47).
Happy Reading

Water Butt..

After being installed for only a few hours the butt is full already!! Might need to consider installing another one for back up.

Tuesday 24 May 2011


Trying to be eco doesn't end when you want to give birthday gifts. So, that considered, newspaper was used for recycling, a hand made card was crafted and a seasonal organic cake was baked.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Flies ... grrrr

Ok, I'm going slightly crazy. One word FLIES! How on earth do you stop them from coming into the house without using chemicals?? I feel like I'm started a war with them and there is only so much flapping around that I am prepared to do. Just trying to bake and I'm trying to keep cool and calm!!
Any suggestions welcome.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Rain Water

Thanks to Ann and Robert for firstly, giving me the water butt and secondly, for fixing it to the drainpipe outside the cottage. Pic shortly to follow. I can now recycle and reuse rain water for the garden and stop using tap water. Happy Days.

Friday 20 May 2011


Ok - very excited. I've just ordered my first batch of SOAPNUTs. I'll keep you posted when they arrive. Check out the link on my Green Bibles for more details but in a nutshell, they're a natural chemical free alternative to washing powder and liquid plus much much more. As an added bonus, after use you can mix them in a jar/container with white wine vinegar to make a eco-friendly household cleaner.

Hurry up Mr Postman!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Buying Food...

I'm guessing a lot of you have already read about the protests against the development of a new store (Tesco) in Bristol, of which, it got me thinking as to where I buy my products from. I'll hold my hands up and admit that I too have been a culprit of this myself. However, I have over the past few years, begrudgingly wanted to continue with this nasty habit. Although, as a non driver, it isn't always that straight forward. I did however, live in Chorlton-cum-Hardy, of which, there was a fantastic little co-operative called Unicorn Grocery (http://www.unicorn-grocery.co.uk/) which sold local, wholesome organic food. If anyone reading this and just so happens to live that way, give it a go, you'll never go back. But, back to my initial point, has anyone given any further thought of the way in which a supermarket influences our spending habits? Are supermarkets partly to blame for our countries obesity and health problems? etc etc I'm not saying these are all entirely true but you can't help think that there is some connection...

So, as a point of trying to live a life that is detached and self sufficient, I shall be no longer ordering my weekly shop online with Asda and where possible, live without, make/grow my own or seek alternative local suppliers ...

Happy Reading Folks

Cleaning with Chemicals...

So, after being made aware of this fantastic informative book (What's In This Stuff by PAT THOMAS) I have had my eyes open to shocking facts about how we carelessly live our lives swimming in chemicals. I have always tried to make sure that I eat healthily and where possible, consider the implications of what my choices will have on the production of certain products.

This book however, makes you aware of how frequently we allow ourselves, our children and families from birth to death to be in contact with chemicals that can cause cancer, skin disorders, allergies, asthma, headaches, depression, infertility and much much more. If I would recommend anyone to buy a book ,this would be at the top of my list.

Taking this forward, I have decided to remove all chemicals from within our house. I know it won't be easy and there will be times when it'll drive me crazy but having a go is the easy part and all I want to do is try. I will be considering the financial implications for everything and keeping an open realistic mind throughout. So, I'll keep you posted ladies and gents. Keep reading.

Helicopter V Taxi !!

OK, this might seem rather odd but I was privy to a bit of information that is too good NOT to share.

During a time when we all need to readdress our spending habits, it seems immoral, arrogant and unjust that a 'certain' minority of people see it acceptable to out-rightly go over the top.

Since when is it cheaper to travel by helicopter than taxi?? Surely you need to consider variables other than cost and I would be asking 'who is going to be picking up this tab'??

As a person who strongly believes in affordable education for all, shame on you - you know who you are.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Hair Dye

I have in the past had the odd tendency to want to colour my hair, red, black, brown and even blonde. So I've quickly realised how much contact I am exposing myself to chemicals on a regular basis. This got me thinking. Is it possible to colour my hair without chemicals? Firstly, if I'm going to continue, I might as well keep the risk of chemically induced 'problems' to a minimum OR, what steps do I take to eliminate the need to colour my hair in the first place. Like most females, I won't deny that I do try to make an effort to look my best or relatively half decent. I am the owner of the odd grey hair strand and I have been since I was twenty. So, is it time I stop hiding it and start embracing it.

Hummm, more thought required on this one. Any how, I have come across this website that produced natural hair dye... http://www.suvarna.co.uk/.
Happy reading.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Knolton Market Garden

So, over the last few days, I have predominantly been helping/volunteering my services/time/energy and enthusiasm to help on Knolton Market Garden (http://knoltonmarketgarden.blogspot.com/). This is something that I just can't get enough of and what better way to learn about gardening and allotments then with helping friends out.
So today, we've been weeding, planting seeds (and plants) and setting up frames for cucumbers. As the weather is a tad too chilly to plant anything outdoors yet for me (other than the odd direct sew), I've got plenty of time to learn something new every week.
Today was topped off with a few incidents involving a certain four legged dog and two mice and a frog.... I'm pleased to say that all lived to see another day.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Bedroom Sewing

Due to somewhat slight dimension limitations within the bedroom, a compromise was needed! Our existing bed wouldn't fit. This therefore meant we needed to make do with an alternative bed of which, to save space it still required storage underneath but on a downside, it didn't come with a headboard. So after a few uncomfortable sleeps from loosing our pillows into the abyss behind the back of the bed and  from clanking our skulls against the wall, a headboard needed to be fashioned.

As I had plenty of material it seemed ignorant to buy a new one. So, by just sewing together two spare cushions and making a giant pillowcase, a headboard was fashioned.

 This was then aided by my partner making a bedroom shelf (see image above) to which we could hang the headboard from.  Total costs = zero, total comfort = 100%.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Roger Phillips - Mushrooms

Perfect Saturday gift from the postman. I finally received my 2nd hand copy of Roger Phillip's book on Mushrooms and other fungi of Great Britain & Europe (http://www.rogersmushrooms.com/) - thanks to Ian for the tip. Foraging beware!


So today has been preoccupied with making decisions. One of which involves CHICKENS. So, the plan is to certainly have some to provide us with our own eggs (possibly look at meat options at a later date) however, lets just stick with eggs for now. All suggestions welcome on what type of breed we should have. A location has been determined, hutch to be sourced/made. Might be a test of my DIY skills. Certainly going to check out freecycle (http://www.uk.freecycle.org/) - which I recommend everyone should do however,  I'm sure you'll be enlightened with images to follow at a later date.

To add drama into the 'batch' - Jim has mentioned he'd prefer DUCKs... watch this space :-)

Thursday 5 May 2011

Natural Rug Store

Very exciting day today. My samples from the Natural Rug Store (http://www.naturalrugstore.co.uk/) arrived today. The plan is to eventually fit the cottage out with suitable flooring aka rugs in this case before winter. So on a plus note, the cottage will firstly be much warmer and secondly, be from a sustainable resource.

First Attempt EVER 2010