Wednesday 18 May 2011

Hair Dye

I have in the past had the odd tendency to want to colour my hair, red, black, brown and even blonde. So I've quickly realised how much contact I am exposing myself to chemicals on a regular basis. This got me thinking. Is it possible to colour my hair without chemicals? Firstly, if I'm going to continue, I might as well keep the risk of chemically induced 'problems' to a minimum OR, what steps do I take to eliminate the need to colour my hair in the first place. Like most females, I won't deny that I do try to make an effort to look my best or relatively half decent. I am the owner of the odd grey hair strand and I have been since I was twenty. So, is it time I stop hiding it and start embracing it.

Hummm, more thought required on this one. Any how, I have come across this website that produced natural hair dye...
Happy reading.

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First Attempt EVER 2010